Using the Course Repository

The Course Repository lets you share additional course materials with other course managers, trainees or both. You can add URLs or files to the repository.  It works like a storage locker – where you put links or files that are relevant to your elearning course. You decide if you want to share the resources with trainees, or only with course managers.

To add a link to the repository:

  1. Click the Repository tab.
  2. Click Add a New Link.
  3. Enter the URL, a title and a brief description. If you would like trainees to have access to this information, select share with trainees.

To add a file to the repository:

  1. Click the Repository tab.
  2. Click Add a New File. Use the BROWSE button to locate the file on your hard drive. Enter a title and brief description.
  3. Indicate if you would like to share this file with trainees. Click ADD FILE.