About User Privileges

You assign privileges to users that determine which part(s) of TrainCaster they will be able to access. You can grant training, manager or administrator privileges. You can also limit the 'manager' privileges to specific groups or courses where applicable. You setup privileges when you create a user account.

Learn more about role definitions and privileges.

Administrator Privileges

Administrators have access to all functions and add data in your TrainCaster environment. There are no limitations set on this role. As such, this role should be granted sparingly, to minimize data conflicts.

Administrators are the only users with access to the 'Administration' functions: user groupings, curriculums, course categories, course certificates and system settings.


Manager roles available in TrainCaster include course manager, report manager and user manager. A manager can be granted one or many of the roles. Each role has its own set of privileges. Click here for detailed information about how to setup and assign privileges for each role.


Trainees have access to MyTrainCaster, their training home page. You can deny access to the Course Catalog, if needed.